Dr. Katrin Stamer is a member of the International Who’s Who of Management Labour and Employment Lawyers. According to the business news magazine, “Wirtschaftswoche”, she is one of the best German business lawyers specialising in labour law.
With extensive publication credits, her work appears regularly in specialist books and journals.
Dr. Katrin Stamer is a member of the International Who’s Who of Management Labour and Employment Lawyers. According to the business news magazine, “Wirtschaftswoche”, she is one of the best German business lawyers specialising in labour law.
With extensive publication credits, her work appears regularly in specialist books and journals.
Dr. Katrin Stamer studied law at the Universities of Constance, Cologne and Heidelberg. She completed her legal clerkship at the Palatinate Higher Regional Court in Zweibrücken. In 1998, she received her doctorate (Dr. iur. utr.) from the University of Heidelberg.
Dr. Katrin Stamer was admitted to the German Bar in 2000. From February 2000 to July 2007, she worked for the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer. Here she worked in the Employment Pensions Benefits practice group headed by Dr. Klaus-Stefan Hohenstatt in the Hamburg office, and temporarily in the Düsseldorf office headed by Prof. Dr. Heinz Josef Willemsen. In 2004, Dr. Katrin Stamer spent three months on secondment in the firm’s London office.
From August 2007 to December 2019, Dr. Katrin Stamer was a partner of Gragert Stamer Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB in Hamburg.
Publications (excerpts)
Henssler/Moll/Bepler, Der Tarifvertrag, 2. Aufl. 2016, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt
(Teil 8 Geltungsbereich)
Plath, DSGVO/BDSG Kommentar 3. Aufl. 2018, Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt
(Art. 88 DSGVO, § 26 BDSG gemeinsam mit Michael Kuhnke)
Beck’sche Online Formulare Prozessrecht (Arbeitsrecht)
Münchener Handbuch zum Arbeitsrecht 4. Aufl. 2019, Verlag C.H.Beck, §§ 303-307
Erstreikbarkeit tariflicher Sozialpläne: Die Wiederherstellung der Arbeitskampfparität
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Heinz Josef Willemsen) in: NZA 2007, 413
„Carried Interest“ im Arbeitsrecht (gemeinsam mit Dr. Klaus-Stefan Hohenstatt) in:
Betriebs-Berater 2006, 2413
Background Checks von Bewerbern in Deutschland: Was ist erlaubt?
(gemeinsam mit Dr. Klaus-Stefan Hohenstatt und Lars Hinrichs) in: NZA 2006, 1065
Working Group on Labour Law in the German Bar Association
FFA Forum of Specialized Attorneys for Labour Law
Hamburg Association for Labour Law